Partners in Print

Spike Print Studio (SPS) and University of the West of England (UWE) are establishing an exciting new venture that embraces the multifaceted nature of the professional print studio. The project will grow community engagement by creating sustainable opportunities for learning, exhibiting, editioning and professional development for young people who would not otherwise have access to such opportunities.

What is the theme/aim? of the Exhibition?

This exhibition brings together artists who have worked in both organisations through the opportunities created for them. It gives them space to tell their story about openingscreated and where it has led them.

What is happening?

The exhibition reflects the extraordinary talent and output of those involved, supportedby artist statements on their experience of working collaboratively with SPS and UWE.The artists will be present at the Private View to talk about their work in more detail.

When and where is it?

UWE Bower Ashton Studios, F-Block Gallery
Tuesday 16 – Friday 19 October 2018 (gallery opening times 10am – 5pm).
Private View Thursday 18 October 6 – 8pm.

What happens next?

The exhibition is the starting point for gathering support and patronage for developingUWE and SPS’s collaborative educational editioning project which will create opportunities for young people to work in a professional artistic environment with a wide range of artists and editioners. Working in print will allow them to develop their artistic practice whilstbeing supported by a wide range of practitioners able to guide, advice and promote them.

Nick Greenglass and John Lynch (Peter Reddick Bursary)
Andrew Wilson (SPS/UWE Scholarship)
Jemma Gunning, Lisa Davies and Prerna Chandiramani (SPS/UWE Member Technician)
Carolyn Bunt, Sarah Duncan, Frea Buckler and Gilly Thompson, Emma Stibbon RA (UWE/SPS Alumni)